Carl Stevenson
Carl Glenn Stevenson was born and raised in California. He attended UC Davis and graduated in 1940 with a degree in animal husbandry. The next year, he was drafted into the army and joined a Veterinary Corp Unit in Ft. Bliss, Texas. stevenson served the entire four-and-a-half years of the war following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, his primary responsibility being to take care of the mules that pulled and packed artillery. He was the only non-veterinarian to head the Army School of Farrier.
Following the war, Stevenson spent four years on the Giffen Cantua Ranch in the Central Valley of California. This is where his passion for cattle feeding was realized, and in 1951 he moved to Continental, Arizona, to start a cattle feeding operation for the Farmers Investment Company. In the early 1960s, Stevenson began working closely with the University of Arizona. With the assistance
of Dr. Bill Hale and Dr. Bart Cardon, he developed the art of cooking and rolling grain, which he fully implemented in his own feeding operations.
In 1964, Stevenson started the Red Rock Feeding Co. in Red Rock, Arizona. Still operating today, it has grown to a 30,000–head feedyard with 1,200 acres of additional farmland.