Leo & Irene Timmerman Families

Leo O. Timmerman and his wife Irene started farming with three milk cows and two dozen chickens. Soon after, he bought three head of cattle, sparking a successful career in the cattle-feeding business. A banker loaned him money to purchase six head of cattle then Leo made enough to buy another 25. In 1945, he quit raising milk cows and chickens and purchased a feedyard in Omaha that served as the foundation of his business.
During the rapid expansion of the 1950s, Leo combined with two other feedyard operators to sell their cattle directly to meat packers. A new era emerged, marking the first step in the decentralization of cattle marketing and meat packing.
In 1960, as a well-established figure in the cattle industry, Leo sold his current location to a developer and replaced it with a feedyard in Springfield, Neb. Because of his knowledge and experience, Timmerman was able to pasture cattle in Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana. 1970 brought further expansion and Leo’s operation surpassed 20,000-head capacity. A year later, he sold the business to his four sons but didn’t completely retire from the family business. He continued to trade commodities and fed cattle in Nebraska, Colorado and Arizona while splitting his time between Omaha and Scottsdale. Cattle feeding was an important part of his life until his death in 1997.
Leo left behind a legacy of family, faith and innovative ideas that revolutionized the cattle industry. He made deals worth hundreds of thousands of dollars on a handshake and never backed down on a promise, even when it cost him.
Together the brothers, Gerald, James, Norman and Ronnie with the support of their spouses and sisters spent the next 50 plus years successfully continuing to build their family business. Timmerman & Sons Feeding Co, Inc. included a network of 8 feedyards in Nebraska, Colorado, and Kansas, with a one-time feeding capacity of over 90,000 head. Timmerman Land and Cattle Company included ranching operations, cow-calf and stocker leases in Nebraska, South Dakota, Colorado, Oregon, Wyoming, Oklahoma and Texas, and a packing plant, Nebraska Beef, located in Omaha.
In 2012, with a capable third generation working alongside the brothers in the company, the decision was made for the company to branch, with the intent of continuing the caliber Timmerman’s have maintained for generations while nurturing and exercising each family branch’s entrepreneurial spirit. Gerald, James, Norman and Ronnie gave their children the opportunity their father had given them. It was from this, that new independent operations and joint ventures were formed to include more of the next generation. Each family member brings diverse interest and skill set that continues to build upon the family legacy in the beef industry.
JA Timmerman Cattle Company specializes in custom cattle feeding. Owned by brothers Dan Timmerman and Mike Timmerman. Together they operate 3 feedyards in Northeastern Colorado. JA Timmerman Cattle Company is committed to providing outstanding services and producing quality beef. They offer multiple programs to market cattle including GAP and NHTC.
NA Timmerman Inc. specializes in feeding high quality cattle who perform well on the grid. The company includes a network of feedyards, grass leases and background partners in Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado. NA Timmerman is jointly owned by Norm and Sharon Timmerman, Jason Timmerman, Kristin Stagemeyer, Ryan Timmerman and families.

Next Gen Timmerman, LLC operates a cow-calf ranching operation in the Sand Hills of Nebraska, as well as a wheat farm and grazing operation near Wichita Falls, Texas. Next Gen Timmerman is jointly owned by the James Timmerman family.
Timmerman Feeding Company owned by Andrew Timmerman specializes in custom cattle feeding and operates four feedyards in Northeastern Colorado. Timmerman Feeding Company is committed to providing outstanding service, quality products and a high rate of return for cattle feeding customers.
Gerald and his children own and operate Timmerman Land & Cattle LLC which consists of ranches in Nebraska and South Dakota. Gerald at 83 years old is still working hard at the ranches on horseback, working cattle, on a tractor or bossing around his grown children but never sitting down for long. Gerald instilled a great love of ranching into his children. Most of the cattle work is done on horseback to keep the tradition of the real cowboy way of life. This tradition will be kept by his children for many years to come.
Toro Land & Cattle LLC, was created upon the decision to branch off Timmerman Land & Cattle. Toro Land & Cattle LLC is jointly owned between Ronnie and his son Jeff Timmerman. The operation consists of cow-calf ranching operations in Lakeside, Nebraska and Gordon, Nebraska. Ronnie also continues to oversee one of the original companies formed by the brothers as well, Timbro Cattle Company, located in eastern Colorado. Before the decision to branch off Timmerman’s operations, Jeff Timmerman had formed Sunset Land & Cattle LLC independently in 2009. Sunset Land & Cattle LLC owns and operates several yearling grass ranches located in eastern Colorado, along with a feedyard located in Potter, Nebraska.
Each of the Timmerman families share a passion for this industry and agree that there is nothing like the cattle business and the people in it.