Jeff Rudolph
Jeff Rudolph was raised on a row crop and livestock farm in Dunbar, Nebraska.
Rudolph graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1985 with a degree in Animal Science. He participated in Block & Bridle, meats judging, and livestock judging. A feedlot internship confirmed Rudolph’s desire to make a career of cattle feeding. Jeff accepted a position with Caprock Industries in Gruver, Texas. In 1991, he was promoted to the management position of Caprock’s Gruver, Texas feedyard.
In 1993, Jeff accepted a feedlot management position for Hi-Gain Feedlot in Farnam, NE. He has served as President and General Manager of Hi-Gain, Cozad and Farnam, since 1996. The 35,000 head company is well known in the industry for its large pen implant trials, customer service and integrity. As a Dinsdale Bros. ag entity, Jeff is grateful for the many years of partnership with the Dinsdale family. Hi-Gain’s success is a direct result of a tremendous staff and loyal customer base.
Committed to service and leadership, he is a member of the Dawson County Cattlemen, is a past president of Nebraska Cattlemen, past board member of the Nebraska FFA Foundation, and has served on various NCBA committees. He is currently serving as Chairman of the Nebraska Beef Council.
Jeff and his wife Brenda have been married for 40 years and have three children Jasen, Brett (Krystal), and Jessica.